þetta er ógeðslega pirrandi og ekki góð byrjun á þessum leik !!!! , en fann leiðbeiningar sem ég skil ekki alveg og ef einhver getur útskírt þær væri það vel þegið
Originally Posted by Leki
(below is done by Ragnar 11651173)

Execute Patcher, Choose language, wait for welcome screen, don't hit continue.

go to your documents folder and to this location:

c:\documents\YOUR USERNAME\local settings\temp

and look for a folder which looks like {BLAH….} lots of numbers and chars. Go into that folder structure and copy the files in it (e.g. patch.exe, all the files) to a folder where you can execute them (e.g. create a dir named C:\temp)

then open a commandpromt (type “cmd” in run/execute at startmenu) and go to your new created folder with the patchdata. Execute the with the following line (edit to your installfolder location of course):

patch.exe “c:\FolderWhereBF 2Is”

Watch the magic happen.