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Removing the Time Limit

If you want to run a server where the time limit for the demo does not apply (i.e. the round doesn't end at 12 minutes), try the following. Note that apparently GameSpy and EA Games do not like this, and may delist your server if you do it.

Go to your \Battlefield 2 Standalone Demo Server\mods\bf2\python\game\gamemodes directory and open the file with Notepad or Wordpad. Find the line which starts with: def onTimeLimitReached(value): and replace the host.sgl_endGame(winner, victoryType) line underneath it with the following:

#host.sgl_endGame(winner, victoryType)


So basically all you do is place a ‘#’ in front of that line, and add the word ‘return’ just below it. This should mean that the once the clock hits 00:00 you can still keep playing until all the tickets expire.

copied and pasted from…