Ef þú hefur látið eitthvern fá cd keyinn þinn þá vorkenni ég þér ekki, en ef þetta kemur þér algerlega að óvörum þá er best að þú fáir þér bara cdkey generator, finnur þá léttilega.<br><br><font color=“#C0C0C0”><b>Virðingarfylls
[I'm]Faikus Denubius</b></font>
<a href=“mailto:Faikus_Denubius@hotmail.com”>Faikus_Denubius@hotmail.com</a>
<a href="
http://www.rafis.is/fnir“>Félag Nema í Rafiðnum</a>
<a href=”
http://www.faikus.leti.is“>Heimasíðan mín</a>
<font color=”#808080">(Insert witty remark or a clever saying)
- I've got people skills damit, people skills! What the hell is wrong with you people!
- A one that isn't cold is scarcely a one at all.
- These pants may not look like much, kid, but they’ve got it where it counts.
- Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
- I am a nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect.
- I am in shape. Round is a shape.
- In this life there are few things as nice as a good sit.</font