* Hueys get 70% more hitpoints and little more agility/speed
* You have been waiting for this: fixed weapon reload animations
* One new map by Nefilim (who already made the Que Son valley)
* One new map by Dan (who already made Hill 937)
* Definitley CH47 Helicopter on Que Son Valley !!
* Camera position of gunner in Type63 AA tank adjusted
* One Mig 17 removed from Charly doesn't surf map
* Floating objects fix
* BTR crash fix
* APCs more resistant against MG's
* Support class gets kind of medic funtion (not like the BF medic)
* Remington now less effective on distance and force-feedback crosshairs
* PPsh-41 less accurate in prone position
* Pistols have less fire-recoil
* Sharks added to Tonkin that eat every swimming flag camper
* Huey blades turn faster now
* Easier to kill troops with Huey M60's now
* Weapon smoke FX now less performance lagging and better looking - hey that's 2 in one
* And improved 1st person gun model views (not the final ones though)
* Ammoboxes on Closefire changed -> less grenadespamming
* Closefire missing and wrong shadows fixed

No fleim, gott mod.

Getið náð í það hér http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=3022 aðeins 188MB<br><br><u><b>Ragnar Sigur.</b></u>_____________________
<a href="http://kasmir.hugi.is/RaggiS“><font color=”#808080“>Síðan mín</font></a> | <a href=”mailto:raggi1337@hotmail.com“><font color=”#808080">Netfangið mitt</font></a