Jæja þá er það komið 0.25 patchinn frá Desert-combat liðinu er kominn og munu fullt af (bugs)verða lagaðar :)

Added credits for people who donated, Thank You!
removed the 2nd magazine of rockets from planes to make them return to base more often
Helicpoters are more responsive and faster
Made rockets faster for F16, Mig29
Made Mavericks more powerful
Added map icons for Helicopters
Made DC compatible with BF version 1.3
Made A-10 Stronger against Tanks
Made Ak-47 equal in strength to M16
Made it harder to kill light armour with RPG\SMAW
Made Planes more powerful against planes
Added some reverse engines to planes for backing up
Added new sound to M-163 and made it more powerful
Removed some Rockets from AH64
Fixed Bug where AH64 could not reload
Fixed Humvee and BDRM2 turrets
Made M249 and PKM less accurate when standing
Made Sniper Rifles more accurate
Fixed AH64 sounds

Vill ég svo minna á að 0.1 og 0.2 er hægt að downloada á http://89'th.fortress.is en 0.25 patchinum á http://www.desertcombat.com :) [DR]PvT]DeeMer þakkar fyrir sig.
Five symbols of magic