The Seeing stone er fyrsta bókin í þríleik eftir Kevin Crossley-Holland. Hefur einhver heyrt um þessa bók og eða veit hvort framhaldið sé komið út eða hvenær það komi út. Ég væri alveg til í að vita það;)
<br><br><font color=“maroon”>I am a dishonest man. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, It's the honest ones you need to look out for. </font>

<font color=“orange”><b>Tilvitnun:</b><br><hr><i>You son of a silly person!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!!!</i><br><hr></font>

<font color=“teal”><b>Tilvitnun:</b><br><hr><i>“What have we got here?”
“This is what we call a birth.”
“Ah, and what is that?”
“That is when we take a new baby out of a lady's tummy.”
"Wonderful what you can do nowadays!</i><br><hr></font