ég á ekki mac en þetta fann ég á apple.com
* To open the optical drive press the Eject key on the Apple Pro Keyboard. Hold the Eject key for 2 seconds or until the eject icon appears on the screen.
* To open the second optical drive on a Mac Pro, press Option-Eject on the Apple Pro Keyboard.
* In the Finder, choose Customize Toolbar from the View menu. In the window that appears, drag the Eject button to the toolbar, then click the Done button. After following these steps, the Eject button will appear in a Finder window toolbar—in the Finder window, select the disc you want to eject and click the Eject button in the toolbar.
* Click the eject button in iTunes.
* Use the Eject menu bar item. If the computer has two optical drives installed, you will be given a choice of which drive to open.
To show this menu bar item:
1. From the Finder's Go menu, choose Go to Folder.
2. Type or paste: /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras
3. In the Menu Extras folder, double-click “Eject.menu”.
* Hold down the mouse button while the computer restarts.
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