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Hvort á mar að hlægja eða gráta (10 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
Ja rule kallin er að fara enda ferilinn og það líka sona feit, kappan var búa til eitthvað mix tape sem eru bókstaflega beinn skot að em,50 cent og dre. Hann ákvadi að reyna að vera harður well big props for that, Gaurinn var á eihverjum þætti að banga þetta lag live á bet rap stöðinni þar sem hann drullar yfir þrennuna og öskrar ásamt irv gotti, bobby brown og murda crewinu “MURDA 4 LIFE” og segir síðan blondie bitch eða eitthvað. Síðan var tekið viðtal við gotti og hann sagðist ekkert vera...

hmmmm (10 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 4 mánuðum
ok ég var að sjá mynd af birgitu haukdal þar sem hún á að vera reykja. Ég meina eru hundarnir alvega búnir að tappa sér hehe dissa birgitu afhverju dissar þeir ekki einhvern sem er á þeirra leveli. Mar hélt nú þeir væru harðir dagws hip hoppinu en nei þeir eru einfaldlega bra puddel hundar að reyna vera harðir sem daæmi: var bent að láta alla hjálpa sér að leiðrétta einar ágúst en so urðu þeir bra nokkuð góðir vinir bra sona smá að sleikkja tippið á hvor öðrum og síðan er þetta með birgitu...

This life (7 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 5 mánuðum
Hva segir fólkið, lát síðan að mar póstaði rýmu en hér einn slík so check it out… Addicted to contributing to Prostitution I see no resolution Just a spot for me in an institution Lots of confusion, just a child of dust A child of Truth, but still can't control the lust Sin is the proper thing to do, in order to be humble Instead of hiding from reality living in a bubble My repentance doubles when I figure i'm not troubled the Devil is a liar, and a thief after my joy, while I still shovel I...

Lost vision (3 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
i use to have to put up with the negative troop of pathetic youth who said to put sex in my music infectin you with the tranfusion of messages using, pessimist views, instead of whats better and choose the truth is what matters, but forget it, you loose rather listen to B.S. than to let amuse and entertain, but the same vein that fed you a day information leaked, stained and caked in your brain the rags and riches, fame, cash, hags and bitches slags in pictures showin their ass is half...

Rappers life (3 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
my reason for rap, beyond what people can reach the typical think, even what the literal see i spit for the people that listen to breathe, the intellectuals not for the weak, only believing people are vegetables ready to throw, ready to go, steady to fly you listen for the ambition? i hope you ready to die cause hearing pathetic messages, never showin no love and giving people the realness always slangin the drugs the ice, watch, gucci, mink in the sweater the pockets full of the hot shit...

Circle of the life (4 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
fuck life, and all of its eternal pain-and-anguish im not healthy, this life thing I wish I could crash-and-bang-it whats the point in living if you eventually succumb-to-death the overdosage of pain will most certainly numb-ya-chest pray in hopes that others can fathom-my-feelings no one can even come close, almost like I shadow-my-dealings ask whats wrong and get the reply-of-nothing emptiness fills my insides, just tryin to supply-one-thing go through everyday feeling death-on-the-horizon...

Verbal vandelism (6 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
Bætt upp fyrir my last rhyme Verbal vandelism of torn sciptures past and present the credentials of life peasents tearin through residents enhancing the vocals of prehistoric figures of life re enactment of the murderous violence slashin with knifes theifs being tangled, strangled and man-handled hiding behind prison bars raped and dismantled whats the world coming to, violence is true killer instincts takin over bodies, what can we do besides run, hide die and go up above like nursers doing...

MaD SkiLLs (2 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
"He'welcome to earth, disperse verses on tha'topics-at-hand, problematic to search, when even hurt will topple ya'plans, what'chu know ‘bout to-eat-you-need-to, return bottles-&-cans? my herbs-gone-&-doesn’t-last, and my blunts sidetrack, got a problem w/drugs-so i stuff'em in each Dutch i crack, the trucks i pack? a problem w/that-too, to grab-loot shouldn't mean it keeps me in a bad-mood, hate my state & can't move-phat-Cluse-cuz i keep eating fast-food, bag-dues-are-bad-news, they...

Tvær yankara tussur (2 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
ÉG var að lesa viðtöl við nas og jay-z, þar sem þeir voru báðir að sleikkja rassgatið á 2pac. Sögðu báðir að 2pac hefði áhrif á þeirra beef, sem er kannski satt. En síðan kemur rússinan í pylsu endanum. Þar sem nas segir að 2pac og hann hafi aldrei verið í einhverju beefi, sennilega er einna ástæðan sem hann segir þetta is cuz hes down wit murder inc og murder inc is down wit Row, what a bitch made nas is, jay-z sagði tupac is in my soul and gives me inspiration, and i dont hate him as a...

The intention (6 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
The intention of my invention is embedded in my sentence- A headache is the effect when the second set is eject- Never writing the left, death to past and life to present sec- Refreshing breath of first place no intent of second best- But the reader is confused and demands reasoning- Not as it used to be, example famine to obesity- Grip the concept tightly with brain cells enclosing the visitor- Those receiving the point are now known as the prisoner- Chained with visions of winning the loss...

Me on the mic (8 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
yo I snatch the mic wit murderous intent to strike/ wit fire scorching sight, slick vic termendously talented wit percise timeing when iam rhymeing tight/ the flow rate is high stakes, betting you five mics/ and throwing down the strike like dice/ I analyze to elevate excell and enlight/ coexisting emcee's aren't even close to touching/ the infinite rhyme designs iam contructing/ lyrically producting, the illest of all wordplay to ever be placed on a page,and once writ-ten it i'll be...

Im one heart (4 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
Im one heart, two minds short of bein normal Seekin mortals, but my minds always leakin portals My parents teachin morals, but I rarely learn it I bury purpose, a burden, I feel Im barely worth it Scarey surfaces, to become half of a nightmare Raps in a tight glare when they laugh at my rhymes there I gasp for the lights air, I choke, I cant overcome it Got the weight of the world, so my shoulders plummit Ive over done it, I got my feet wet but Im too deep In this game to turn back or for u...

As the clock ticks (2 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
As the clock ticks, I wonder if, time really exists; the future of the past is present, Einstein says it's relative… quatrz vibrates, at precise rates, maintaining pace; registering seconds, independant of wormholes in space… hours & minutes are man-made, the day is God's phrase; making way through a maze of daze seems to be childsplay… universal standard standing alone? explain the time zone; it's 8:40 where you read this, but 10:40 in my home… daylight saving? amazing, yet another...

This girl (2 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
Waz up þetta er önnur rýma mín, geri mitt besta I woke up in a cold sweat, shakin a fist who woulda thought that a woman could make me this pissed it made me think back, to the days of livin with mom Ive got nothin left to give, what could be given is gone I know to give in is wrong, but it was just a part of tradgedy to think I coulda bin with you and start a family it ripped apart the man in me, and made me think twice that the grass was greener on the other side of this life and with...

komið þið sæll (6 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 7 mánuðum
hvað segist, mín fyrsta rýma sem ég pósta, mar er að reyna struggla, en checkiði þetta…. my skills are far beyond a prophets imagination/ since creation/ive been speakin what was printed in the books of revelations/ it takes patience/to see beyond this fake shit/at fast paces/ i utter the basics of an mcs fakeness/im as sick as a gay rapist/ is obvious ur shit came straight outta the streets/ off the sidewalk near the dog shit…so watch ur feet/ this mothaland kat will make you lose focus/...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..