Counter-Strike: Source

* Added Counter-Strike bots. For a more detailed description, click here
* Added new bomb defusal map de_tides
* Updated version of de_cbble to allow bots to navigate ladders
* Updated version of cs_office. Fixes minor issue with projector
* Updated version of de_dust2 to allow 40 players
* Optimization to the way that dynamic props are checked. On higher end CPUs, this can result in more than a 5% total frame rate increase
* Fixed bug where players would get twice the normal money at the start of a round
* Weapon models are now checked at startup to make sure they are within limits for size
* Fixed a bug that would allow a player to throw two flashbangs at once
* Added “motdfile” cvar, which sets the filename for the message of the day on the server
* Fixed logic that will automatically kick players for killing hostage or being idle for a long time

Verður gaman að prófa þessa nýju botta, og mappið de_tides. :)
Don't have a signature… Don't need a signature… Don't want a signature!