hefur einhver hérna verið á blue heart steroids?
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Anabolic steroids, both oil and water based need to be injected intramuscularly (deep into muscle tissue). The most common place for intramuscular injections are in the buttocks, outer side of the thigh, and in the deltoid region of the arm. These muscles are preferred by many because of their thickness. These sites have a large number of muscle fibers and extensive fascia. Fascia is a type of connective tissue that surrounds and separates muscles. Because of this, the steroid or liquid being injected has a large surface area and a vast blood supply, which is better for absorption. When injecting, the goal is to go deep into the muscle tissue WITHOUT hitting major nerves and blood vessels. The best site for injecting is in the gluteus medius located in the upper outer area of the buttocks (see picture). The upper outer area is elected because the muscle in this area is very thick and has only a few nerves. In this area it is not likely that you will hit a blood vessel and the chances of injury to the sciatic nerve. This nerve runs through the lower and middle area of the buttock. If this nerve is hit, you may be temporarily paralyzed and it is very painful. You will want to stay as far away from the sciatic nerve as possible.