alltaf tegar eg aetla ad adda gamecardi a accoutninn minn kemur tetta :

Greetings! The ability to add a payment has been turned off on this account. This could be due to a payment issue that is being investigated or to a permanent closure of this account (check your account status). If you believe that this could be related to a payment issue, could you please contact our Billing Support team via www.wow-europe.com/en/support/with the following information:

1. How many account are you paying for with this card?
2. Have you tried to enter your payment method with just one card?
3. Is your bank based in a country other than the one in which you are residing?

er ekki alveg ad skylja tetta.. eg hef ekki borgad med korti sidan um jolinn, enn var hackadur ca 2 manudum, hefur tetta eitthvad vid tad ad gera :X ?

takk fyri